Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Losing my insanity

 I was supposed to have a simple major surgery on June 15th It is now July 11th and I am still re cooperating. I was only to be in the hospital overnight and woke up the next day in ICU and had a breathing tube in me.  I was told that I was rushed back into the OR room because I was bleeding internally. My mom was with me, then my dad came and my oldest daughter Marie. I remember a glimpse of my dad holding her as she was crying really hard. I don't know what room I was in at that time. I remember hearing a few different things and seeing  2-3 times. I had to asked many people what had happened to me. I was in ICU for 5 days. then back into maternity for 3 days. I had received 8 pints of blood and 2 pints of frozen plasma. I have come along pretty good so far and the Doc. says beginning of Aug. I should be almost back to normal. Right now I am at my witts end and cannot process being home with no visitors and no place to go because I cannot drive until I am better. I have missed so much so far, and I feel so left out of everything.